Adult flu vaccine still in stock (4th February 2025)

Please phone in to reception to book an appointment.

Free GP care for children under 8

We are participating in this scheme  – click on the following link to register your child:

We are not currently accepting new patients

We apologise for the inconvenience but due to massively increased demands for our services we are not currently in a position to take on new patients. In addition to this it is not necessary to obtain a letter of refusal from us – we do not provide these letters and never have done.

Phone and face to face consultations available

We are now doing a mix of phone and face to face consultations, depending on the nature of the problem.  Phone consultations and prescriptions will incur a fee. Call reception on (01) 6292556 to make an appointment.

We are carrying out childhood immunisations and antenatal care as normal.

Out of hours service

KDOC provides out of hours cover and can arrange Covid testing in the evening and on weekends. See for more information or call 045 848701 to make an appointment.